Lone Worker | Case Studies | Workforce Management | Excellent Workforce Management Software Malta | YAZA

Numerous industries have remote workforces and in some cases these people work entirely alone. Salespeople, engineers, healthcare workers, transportation, security forces and utilities just to name a few. Managing individuals who are not physically in your offices is not easy, but there are options for you to consider. 

Make your lone workers part of the team with lone worker solutions

Lone workers are exposed to more risks during their day than those working in the comfort of your premises. Whether they have a great deal of driving to do as delivery or salespeople. Or perhaps they are an engineer working on an electrical fault in a remote location. The risks are present for everyone and the need to mitigate them has never been more important.

These risks can vary but most tend to include an accident and subsequent injury such as falling from a great height or tripping and hurting their heads or suffering from an electrical shock. If they are salespeople, they might be attacked whilst walking or inside of someone’s premises. If they are in a remote location, without any immediate support available and, worse still, no one knows an accident has taken place, how can you help?

On the other hand, remote workforces tend to have less contact with the teams at head office. How do you know when they have started or even arrived at their destination, or how long they have spent there? Visibility about your team is of vital importance when you need to run an efficient, safe workforce.

Workforce management software makes monitoring and protecting your staff easier with our lone worker solution.

  • Use geofencing technology to see how much time is being spent in a location or when they move from one area to another.
  • Time management functions allow you to see their start and finish times by day, or even possibly by task.
  • GPS tracking lets you follow the person as they move around so you can easily reach them if an accident might happen.
  • Set up notifications and alerts should the person suffer from a slip or fall and be stationery for an extended period of time.
  • Integrated two-way communication means you can respond to their call for assistance quickly and efficiently.

Your staff are your most important asset. Is it really worth the risk of not protecting them as much as you can.

Helping people is a core value that the Yaza team holds close to their hearts. Telecare is our way of showing how much it matters to us.

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